Welcome to the Animal Jam Top Hat! I'm paypayrod, and I created this blog! The reason why I created this is to help many jammers. I also own The Animal Jam Scammer Blog! Go check it out! My inspiration was from Scooter (Animal jam Sky Blog) Snowyclaw (Animal Jam Spirt Blog) and last, but not least, Nafaria9 (Animal Jam Whip). I would really like this blog to be big (at least bigger than when I started), so if you enjoy this blog, please tell all your buddies to check it out! I also have my own AJ youtube channel, called BlitzandpiecesAJ! I also enjoy nice comments or suggestions! I might need a little help on the way, and thats were you guys come in! I want this blog to let people participate. So if you want to, join in! I also take buddy requests by jam-a-grams, so drop by AJ and send me a letter! (Maybe even mailtime!). Once again, thanks for coming!
I love it already! I'll view it daily.